Perhaps no need is greater today than that of correcting the ills of the world in a just and right way. Many action groups are busy searching for and urging ways of reform. Some are taking extreme measures to call attention to the blatant ills of poverty, injustice, crime, war. But many other injustices in human life are taken more or less for granted, such as the injustice of disease, storms, disasters, the inhumanity of men.
It is imperative that every earnest thinker take time to see how he can best aid in the action that is needed to correct human injustices. No one class of people is free entirely of injustice, for injustice results always from the basic falsity that man is a mortal. A direct result of this falsity is the belief that men are divided into classes, that some are more favored, more intelligent, or more aggressive than others. In human injustice we can see the operation of the so-called law of mortal mind, or material force.
The teachings of Christian Science uncover the true nature of this force. In Miscellaneous Writings Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, makes this revealing statement: "This so-called force, or law, at work in nature as a power, prohibition, or license, is cruel and merciless. It punishes the innocent, and repays our best deeds with sacrifice and suffering." Further on she continues, "Smoothing the pillow of pain may infect you with smallpox, according to this lawless law which dooms man to die for loving his neighbor as himself,—when Christ has said that love is the fulfilling of the law."1