I first learned of Christian Science in my early twenties. At that time I was suffering from a bowel condition which caused much weakness, and the condition was believed to be inherited. I had three sisters. My mother was told by a physician that we would all pass on by the time we were twenty-six years of age because we had inherited tuberculosis. My mother's family all passed on because of this dread disease.
I was the youngest of the family. My oldest sister passed on when I was quite young, then my mother when I was nineteen, and the other two sisters just before they were twenty-six. I simply rebelled at the thought that I needed to pass on with this condition because my mother and sisters had, and as I loved and read the Bible, especially the psalms, I prayed the best I knew how to be delivered from the seeming curse. In my heart I felt there was no need of my experiencing this condition, but how to conquer it I knew not.
I was employed at that time as pianist in a moving picture theater. The woman who sold tickets at the theater told me her mother was a Christian Science practitioner, and asked me to talk with her about Christian Science because she knew it would help me.