Having had Christian Science practically all my life, I have enjoyed a lifetime of freedom from sickness, disease, and accidents. I know that through the study and application of Christian Science, and the lessons I learned while attending Sunday School, I have been protected and sustained.
In recent years a statement of Mrs. Eddy's in Science and Health helped me understand more clearly how God as Soul heals (p. 125): "As human thought changes from one stage to another of conscious pain and painlessness, sorrow and joy,—from fear to hope and from faith to understanding,—the visible manifestation will at last be man governed by Soul, not by material sense." The experience I wish to relate showed me that a sense of pain had to be changed and a correct understanding of Soul as the source of our only real senses gained.
Nearly three years ago I awakened one day before dawn. Within thirty minutes of awakening, I became ill. My breathing was affected. I was unable to breathe normally without great pain, almost to the extent of losing consciousness. A Christian Science practitioner was called and agreed to come to my home, even at that early hour. My own thought was such that I was aware of only a few simple truths, such as "God is my Life."