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Overcoming the Influence of Animal Magnetism on Morals

From the October 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In order to overcome the influence of animal magnetism on morals, one must first learn what animal magnetism is, what it claims to do, and how to recognize it when confronted by it.

What, then, is animal magnetism? Well, it isn't a thing, an entity, or a power. It has no source or cause, nor is it a source or a cause. And it isn't a mystery. It isn't a term that is original to the language of Christian Science, although, as it is used in Christian Science, it conveys a different meaning from that of other uses. In this Science it stands for the sum total of evil.

Mrs. Eddy describes it in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, as follows: "As named in Christian Science, animal magnetism or hypnotism is the specific term for error, or mortal mind. It is the false belief that mind is in matter, and is both evil and good; that evil is as real as good and more powerful. This belief has not one quality of Truth."1

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