How often Mrs. Eddy's words "the structure of Truth and Love" are in the thoughts and speech of devoted Christian Scientists! They come from her succinct and dynamic definition of "Church" in Science and Health. The first part of the definition reads: "The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle."Science and Health, p. 583;Because the import of the phrase preceding the semicolon is being progressively understood by the members, many Christian Science churches literally are charged with a Truth-filled and a loving atmosphere.
However, occasionally a church does not seem to be progressing in its mission. The community around it appears to be indifferent to the message of Christian Science, and the church membership is not increasing. It may even be lessening. If this is so, perhaps the members need to give more attention to the second phrase of the definition, "Whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle."
Permanence, something that is the basis of progress, is the meaning of "principle." The word brings to mind law, balance, order, impartiality, and fundamental truth. To the question "How would you define Christian Science?" Mrs. Eddy gives this answer: "As the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony."Rudimental Divine Science,p. 1;