Freshness is vital to every aspect of life. For want of freshness flowers fade, waters become polluted, air unbreathable. For want of freshness work becomes drudgery, companionship dull, religion stereotyped, existence uninspired. For want of freshness preconceived mental and physical limitations stamp chronic ills of the past on each new moment.
Because the mortal concept of the universe is subject to depletion, decrepitude, disaster, and decay, humanity needs a new basis of thought on which to build its hopes. The computer of age begins to subtract from longevity the moment an infant is born. This time mechanism must be displaced. How? By changing the focus of pursuit from that of material elixir to that of spiritual essence. Pills, powders, and potions cannot erase the supposed effects of time from a body governed by thought that is counting time.
Christ Jesus likened the freshness of pure child thought to the kingdom of heaven because it expresses most man's basic original quality of receptivity to good. The adulterated belief in an origin apart from God is the source of all mortal impairment. Ever-renewed freshness springs from the fountain of the real man's divine origin. Man is inseparable from freshness as the dictionary defines it, "having its original qualities unimpaired." He is not confined to a finite form. His health cannot give out. His strength cannot be used up. His life cannot end.