My deepest gratitude is extended to my husband and to those dear childhood friends who showed me Christian Science, a religion so usable in our everyday affairs.
When I was a senior in college and first learning to apply Christian Science, I found myself in a course entitled "Mass Communications." This course, far removed from my own interest, was one in which were enrolled graduate students and majors in that study field. Besides finding the course very difficult for me, I resented having to take it, and as a result I received a very poor midterm grade. My fear of not passing the course, and therefore of not graduating, was great.
However, at a Wednesday evening testimony meeting a speaker reminded me of Mrs. Eddy's statement: "The intercommunication is always from God to His idea, man" (Science and Health, p. 284). I began to study my situation earnestly in the light of this citation and learned to see man better as the reflection of the one supreme intelligence, or Mind, and therefore as expressing understanding and intelligence. I saw that one individual could not express an idea that could not be grasped by another, as both reflect the one Mind, God. Also I saw that no question could be asked to which I could not know the answer, because God, Mind, knows all and hides nothing from His children.