Are you enjoying your true heritage— the heritage of a child of God, spiritual and immortal? Jesus taught and proved this relationship of God and man to be the source of illimitable good. Then, as sons and daughters of God, we need not sit in sackcloth while beliefs of aging knock at our mental door. We too can find life to be spiritual, without decay or abatement.
Mortality records, based on mortal statistics, call attention to the expectation of diminishing faculties. But Christian Science, comprehending the teaching and example of Christ Jesus, maintains that man is not mortal but immortal. It is showing humanity the way of escape from the despotic demands of a false sense of creation.
If it were possible for vigor and life to be found in physicality—in muscles, nerves, blood—they might be considered subject to what is sometimes referred to as a drying-out process. But these are physical laws presented for our acceptance or rejection by custom, education, and speculation. In Christian Science they can be proved demonstrably fallible.