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Finding the Joy of Self-correction

From the September 1973 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"It isn't right. Do it over."

Who among us likes correction? It often starts with a rebuke, suggests that we have not progressed quite as far as we thought we had, and then tells us to retrace our steps, to redo what may have seemed difficult enough to accomplish in the first place.

But it is through the corrective process that error crumbles and Truth triumphs. Corrective reasoning reaches out and handles the serpent, turning that mesmeric deceiver into a staff to lean on. And so, though it may seem stern and humbling to human sense, correction is something we can learn to meet with gratitude and renewed purpose. It plays a vital role in our spiritual progress. And as understood in the teachings of Christian Science, the corrective process becomes high adventure that moves us beyond self.

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