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Testimonies of Healing

Since my testimony that appeared in the August, 1964...

From the September 1973 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since my testimony that appeared in the August, 1964, issue of The Christian Science journal, I have experienced a number of healings, but one in particular stands out —release from the temptation to indulge in overeating.

I knew that I did not wish to diet or use willpower, but also knew that it would be foolish, disobedient, and inconsistent simply to claim my freedom and yet continue to indulge, so I determined to eat moderately.

Recalling Mrs. Eddy's statement from the textbook, Science and Health (p. 206), "The power of the human will should be exercised only in subordination to Truth," I remembered that quite a number of years before, I had experienced release from the smoking habit through the prayerful work of a Christian Science practitioner. At that time treatment had been continued for about a week, and during that time I had positively refused to indulge the error. I recalled that by the end of the week I had simply lost all desire to smoke, and I rejoiced that the healing was permanent.

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