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Freedom from Sensuality: A Help to Healing

From the September 1973 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Anyone who wants to heal as Jesus did needs not only to be strictly moral but spiritually-minded. Under God's guidance the Master directed his followers to obey the moral law of Moses in its spirit as well as the letter. No human being has ever expressed the Christ in thought and life as fully as he did, but it is encouraging to know that the nearer we come to doing so, the more fully we shall be able to utilize the power of divine Spirit in healing others.

For centuries it has been customary for adherents of the Bible to interpret rigidly the seventh commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." 1 It was understood to be a rule against all sexual experience outside matrimony—not only extramarital relationships but sodomy. While practice in Biblical times was often lax where prostitution was concerned, the Hebrew law regarded this also as an evil and came to forbid it in the case of Israelite women. (See Deut. 23:17.) In cases of adultery the law allowed for no exceptions, and it prescribed the ultimate penalty for those who disobeyed.

Christ Jesus, besides upholding the letter of the Commandments, brought deep insight to bear upon them. He said of those who indulge even in the thought of adultery, "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." 2

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