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Our Indestructible Newness

From the January 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There's a saying: "Tomorrow is a new day." That's only true if we first make today a new day. Otherwise tomorrow will be the same old weary day as today. It is the same with the year. The year ahead will only be a new year to the extent we start making our year, at whatever point we are in it now, a new year. Tomorrow will be a new day and the coming year will be a new year and both will remain so in the degree that here and now we accept our unimpaired and unimpairable newness, not by gift of clock or calendar but because of what we are—spiritual ideas of immortal intelligence, the sons and daughters of God.

In her chapter on Genesis in Science and Health Mrs. Eddy writes: "The numerals of infinity, called seven days, can never be reckoned according to the calendar of time. These days will appear as mortality disappears, and they will reveal eternity, newness of Life, in which all sense of error forever disappears and thought accepts the divine infinite calculus." 1

In this and similar passages the Christian Science textbook shows that newness, when perceived as a quality of God, divine Life, and of Life's individual expression, man, has nothing to do with the limiting arithmetic of clocks and calendars and diaries. On the contrary, it is ours for eternity. Spiritually based, it is not subject to wastage or loss at the behest of pendulum, escapement, or electronic registration. No time span can cause it to suffer any kind or degree of impairment.

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