An accomplished rider moves freely and effortlessly with the rhythm of his horse. In our daily round is there some power that we can move with, something that will carry us through with a natural joy and freedom? Materiality certainly offers no assurance of a safe and harmonious transit.
Paul, whose experience was at times turbulent, was nevertheless able to say of God, "In him we live, and move, and have our being." Acts 17:28; Paul moved with God by bringing his thoughts and acts into accord with the one and only power that moves the universe.
Many activities call forth a high degree of grace, skill, intelligence, and other God-derived qualities. They hint at what it means to move with God. Sporting and cultural pursuits, exploration of outer space, and various aspects of one's developing career are examples. Spiritual vision enables us to catch glimpses, in these human activities, of what we might term divine dynamics—the God-impelled activity of man, His spiritual idea reflecting Soul-sustained grace and rhythm, Principle-maintained harmony, Life-activated vigor, joy, and freedom, Mind-directed intelligence.