Perhaps no question more frequently assails the prospective Sunday School teacher than this: How can I best prepare myself to be ready for any problem that arises in the class, to have a satisfying and scientific answer to any question, and to be so richly supplied with truth that I can teach my pupils as they deserve to be taught?
There is of course no single all-inclusive answer that will aid everyone asked to teach a Sunday School class in a Church of Christ, Scientist. But the Sunday School teacher demonstrates the essence of good teaching when he realizes that his pupils are the intelligent ideas of divine Mind. They already know that which is spiritually true. The teacher's task is to voice this truth and thereby bring it to their remembrance.
Many will sympathize with the teacher who wrote us, "My first approach to Sunday School teaching was simply to endeavor to overcome the fear in my own thought— especially of questions I could not adequately answer and of losing the pupils' interest in Christian Science. This led me to the realization that I could rely on God to do the teaching and on Science to support itself.