Truth exists. For that reason, it is not in fact possible, by prayer or by any other means, to increase or diminish it. From the standpoint of the divine Mind, or God, all is infinite, perfect, changeless Being, expressed in man and the universe. What appears in human experience as improved material conditions is not, therefore, an augmenting of the truth of being but rather a falling away of the clouds of misconception that would hide that which forever exists.
It is wise never to regard the human condition of the moment as absolute or final, for any concept of being that is less than the divine, less than God conceives it to be, must be transitory. What appears as the bad in human experience is, of course, wholly the subjective state of ignorance— of a mind that is not God. But it is also important to see that what we call the good in human experience is always the effect, in actual spiritual fact, of the divine understanding, appearing in spite of and not because of the limited, human sense of it. Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, explains, "Human thought never projected the least portion of true being." Science and Health, p. 126; Only as we perceive good from the point of view of the Mind which is God, good, is our tenure of it safe.
The removal of ignorance and limitation through a prayerful understanding of what is true cannot remove one iota of what is real and tangible. This process cannot leave a vacuum or destroy anything legitimate. Truth exists despite human misconceptions about it. It is a comforting thought to know that even if we tried, we could not give up or lose a single element that belongs to Truth's knowledge; all that can ever disappear is the error concerning it. Surely this is why Jesus was able to promise, "I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Matt. 5:17; The barren, inadequate interpretation of being yields to Truth, and this appears as an ever-increasing enhancement of experience.