A significant lesson for Christians to learn from the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ Jesus is that we must become men and women of vision.
Jesus was clearly a man of incomparable vision. Throughout his earthly career he looked beyond surface human circumstances. Where others saw the sick, the sinner, the impoverished, the dead, Christ Jesus had the spiritual vision to see the good, the whole, the perfect. And his clear vision prevailed over the darkened views of others. His approach to each challenge was characterized not by dwelling upon the discordant but by penetrating the mist of mortal belief—seeing straight through to the genuine spiritual fact.
Even as he foresaw the approaching crucifixion Jesus prophesied the resurrection. He said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."1 His capacity to see beyond restrictive material conditions had the effect of dissolving those false confining beliefs. Just as washing film from a window clears the view, so the cleansing nature of pure vision reveals that which lies beyond material sense.