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Where the Divine Meets the Human

From the April 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A young boy made an interesting discovery. Whenever he felt unhappy or mean or discontented, he had only to take a pair of soiled shoes and thoroughly shine them. Then he began to feel normal once more. The act of doing a careful, workmanlike job at this simple task started him thinking and working again in the right direction.

We improve our happiness and performance by thinking right thoughts. The mental governs the physical. But mere human reasoning would leave us mortals living in a material world, each with a physique and a brain whose thoughts we can program more or less at will. Such an explanation is inadequate and far from the facts.

Mortal thoughts—the kind that accept the belief of a mortal man and a material world—are always poor thoughts. Poor thoughts are always mortal thoughts. On the other hand, good thought, right thought, spiritual thought, comes from only one source—from God, the divine Mind. Inspired thought is not in any way mortal or merely human, and it certainly is not physical. When a person thinks spiritual thoughts, he is expressing the thoughts of his heavenly Father. In a manner of speaking he is allowing the divine Mind to be his Mind. He is literally obeying Paul's injunction, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."1

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