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Establishing Social Justice Through Prayer

From the April 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How to establish social justice is the problem that confronts many nations, particularly those having diverse ethnic, linguistic, religious, and cultural communities. Many people conclude that all that is necessary to solve this problem is for the government to introduce a legislative program promotive of social justice.

Experience, however, shows that such a program cannot accomplish its objectives without the support of public opinion. In fact, if public opinion supports specific concepts promotive of social justice, these concepts will assert themselves in the community and their objectives will be accomplished, whether or not they have legislative backing. This is so because the thought of a community tends to act as a law, which a contrary legislation cannot override.

Therefore enlightened, supportive public opinion is the determining factor in translating just social concepts into action in the community. Here spiritual understanding of God and man and of the nature of true communication can play a vital role by rousing public thought in support of such God-derived concepts as equal opportunity, liberty, and dignity of the individual.

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