Over recent decades there has been a widespread revival of interest in mental methods of healing, both inside and outside the churches. Some churches that until quite recently refused to consider the possibility of spiritual healing in our times are currently pursuing the subject. Many people are now wondering whether the Church of Christ, Scientist, has any special claims in this regard, or whether it isn't just one among many cults and churches practicing mental healing today.
Mrs. Eddy certainly had no doubts about the special nature of Christian Science. She saw it as the same Science or divine law of God that Christ Jesus himself proved. In Science and Health she states: "Our Master taught no mere theory, doctrine, or belief. It was the divine Principle of all real being which he taught and practised. His proof of Christianity was no form or system of religion and worship, but Christian Science, working out the harmony of Life and Love."1
When John the Baptist sent to inquire whether Jesus was the expected Messiah, Jesus referred to the healing works, which testified to the Christ-power (see Matt. 11: 2-6). The proof of Christianity offered by Christian Science lies in the vast record of healings over the past century, which confirm its scriptural lineage. The effectiveness of this Science is not only in the volume and scientific nature of its healings but in their breadth. It ministers to the whole person. It heals not only sick bodies and minds but business problems, lack, community problems, technological problems—whatever would hinder an individual's expression of good. And the method whereby such works are accomplished differs from all other systems.