Faithful witnessing to Life's ceaseless power to be and to supply perpetual evidence requires an unselfish desire to comprehend the deathless identity of ourselves and others as spiritual ideas rather than material personalities. The true consciousness of man as the timeless expression of infinite Life comes as we give up the mortal concept of man as a physique who can disappear or be lost to us. Mrs. Eddy writes, "The real man is spiritual and immortal, but the mortal and imperfect so-called 'children of men' are counterfeits from the beginning, to be laid aside for the pure reality."1
Mental discipline in Christian Science fortifies us against accepting the claim—it may be sudden or gradual—that man is a perishable mortal who can drop out of existence. Incorporating into our lives "the pure reality," we can successfully meet the intimidating false belief that death is the inevitable consequence of living.
An understanding of the primal reality of Life and its indestructible representative, spiritual man, assures us that the one we can no longer see through physical sense possesses in Mind an eternal individuality quite separate from any physical appearance, but tangible and real to spiritual sense.