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Our daily identification work

From the February 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We will all admit that nothing worthwhile takes place in society unless inspired by some individual. Every progressive step, every constructive effort, every original idea, plan, and execution depends upon the thinking and the actions of individuals. Yet this fact is often lost sight of because of the growing numbers of individuals and because of the many "little people" who seem to have no voice, no identity, no grand purpose.

Christian Science alerts us to reject this fallacy and to make a strong plea for individual expression, for each one's place and necessity. And the starting point is with our daily identification work.

When we stop to consider how God speaks to humanity, how He does this through individuals, we can begin to grasp some sense of the infinite nature of individuality and the importance of right identification. It took an Abraham, a Moses, an Isaiah, a Christ Jesus, to tell mankind what God was telling them. Society has been greatly blessed by those utterances. But they all stemmed from God. We would not have the Science of Christ today had not Mary Baker Eddy listened to what God was telling her. She in turn shared it with humanity through her own unique expression of spiritual individuality—her own individual expression of God's infinite nature.

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