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Christian Science healing: how and where do we start?

From the February 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If we're faced with trouble, Christian Science can give us a sense of divine direction. The inspiration that comes with a glimpse of our true being, our sinless spiritual identity, lifts burdened and discouraged thought. Joy and strength replace hopeless floundering as we begin to understand our loving Father's perfect care for us.

Christ Jesus' healing work was unfailingly from a spiritual basis. His starting point was the present spiritual perfection of God and man, and through this understanding of the Master, Lazarus walked out of the tomb in which he had been sealed. Jesus in this instance demonstrated omnipotent Life. He didn't speculate what the illness might be, nor did he hurry to his friend's side. But he did master every fearful thought through his understanding of all-powerful, uninterrupted Life.1 What a radical departure in problem-solving and how effective—to start with and proceed from perfection instead of merely grappling with elements of the problem!

Through her singularly deep study of Jesus' words and healing works, Mrs. Eddy discovered that healing comes from understanding man's coexistence with God, that this understanding is scientific, and that its effect on the human mind and body is scientific.

1 See John 1 1: 1-44;

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