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Applying the law of kindness

From the February 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

No matter what the urgency, there is always time to be kind.

David and his six hundred men were employed by Achish, the Philistine ruler of Gath, a southwestern city in ancient Palestine. Further south at Ziklag, almost on the border of the Sinai Desert, the men had their camp. At a crucial time armies of the five Philistine lords moved northward to fight Saul, then king of Israel. Achish, trusting David, took him and his men to fight with him. But the other Philistines suspected that David would turn against them to help Saul, so David was sent back.

Arriving at Ziklag, David and his men found that a desert tribe had raided their camp, burned it, and carried away their possessions, including their wives and children. David's men were at the point of mutiny, but David turned to God and persuaded the men to start out in search of their families and property. The situation was urgent. They had gone a comparatively short distance when they found an Egyptian, ill and abandoned to die. They stopped to help him!

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