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"A... sense of loss is healed through spiritual regeneration"

Scientific restoration

From the February 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

God's law of restoration is ever operative. Its tender blessing is always available to meet human problems of deterioration and loss. "I will restore health unto thee,... saith the Lord." 1 "I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten." 2 Such restoration can be scientifically demonstrated through the healing activity of the Christ, Truth.

While the human concept of restoration begins with a mortal man requiring renewal of that which has been lost, Christian Science reveals restoration as based on an entirely different premise: the eternal integrity of God's creation. Scientific restoration is the realization of the permanency of divine Being. It is the demonstration of the spiritual actuality and eternality of man and the universe. It demonstrates man's flawless and imperishable identity, forever untouched by all mortal beliefs of decay, depletion, and deterioration.

God, divine Mind, is the only creator, and He maintains His universe of spiritual ideas at the standpoint of perfection for all eternity. Spiritual man, the idea of God, is as eternal and indestructible as his Maker. His present and abiding wholeness evidences the eternal newness of the infinite Life that is his divine source. Man's perfection of form and the purity and permanence of his substance as a divine idea are preserved forever in the divine, infinite consciousness.

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