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"Man works with God-ordained power"

Ever-operative divine Principle

From the February 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many of humanity's fears arise from false beliefs entertained about life, substance, and body, about cause and effect. Christian Science comes to dispel these fears. Instructed in the truth of being, which includes the reality of Spirit, God, and His relationship to His spiritual creation, men are enabled to demonstrate their sonship with God and experience salvation from belief in evil, which the Bible teaches. To understand that God is divine Principle, the only cause and creator, is to experience deliverance from bondage to the beliefs of the flesh, including disease and sin. Man as God's idea lives in Mind. He dwells forever in the all-harmonious realm of divine Truth and Love, where disease, sin, limitation, and evil inheritance are unknown.

God exercises absolute dominion over His creation, and He maintains it in a constant state of perfection and goodness. This is clearly evident from the spiritual record of creation in the first chapter of Genesis: "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so." 1 The Word of God is alive and powerful. It signifies God's eternal, creative activity. God "spake, and it was done." 2 Again and again the first chapter of Genesis records the words, "and it was so"! God's creation is a powerful manifestation of omnipotent divine Principle, Love, and it unfolds irresistibly according to His will. No mortal mentality, no fury of fear, no human willpower, hypnotism, or animal magnetism, can obstruct or counteract the unerring operation of the creative Mind. God is All-in-all. He has no opponent, no opposition, no opposing force.

Explaining the scientific relationship between cause and effect, divine Principle and its idea, Christ Jesus said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." 3 The Master knew that God always expresses His divine nature through man, His effect. In joyful obedience to our Master's instructions, we can declare with spiritual conviction that our divine Principle operates, and we function as its eternally active ideas. As far as the operation of divine Principle is concerned, it is unceasing. It never comes to a stop. It never hesitates, lingers, or stagnates. It has no elements of uncertainty. It is evidence of ever-present Spirit. It cannot be challenged by the supposititious forces of mortality. It is not at the whim of physical sense.

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