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Untouched by evil

From the February 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Verdi's opera Aïda comes to its final scene, the two lovers, Radames and Ai'da, are about to be buried alive. The opera closes with their farewell duet and the Princess Amneris's helpless wailing. But wait—the curtain that has fallen upon this tragedy is drawn aside, and out step the three of them, bowing and smiling to the audience! They are none the worse for the trying ordeal, for it was only make-believe. It never touched them at all.

In Christian Science we learn that all evil is make-believe. It never touches our true individuality in Mind. God's allness is our enduring habitat. We need to become so fully aware of His allness and the infinity of good, that we know and prove the unreality, the nothingness, of sin, suffering, death—in a word, all evil.

In pursuing this we turn naturally to the great Exemplar, Christ Jesus. John writes of him, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." 1 Early in his divinely appointed career Jesus proved that evil, in whatever guise, could not pierce or even touch his spiritual armor. It could not make the slightest inroad into his conscious unity with God, his divine Principle, Love.

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