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Testimonies of Healing

Once while driving alone I suddenly...

From the March 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Once while driving alone I suddenly became ill with severe abdominal pain. I felt I must get off the highway. Very soon I saw the entrance to a state park, drove in, and was able to rest on an outdoor bench. I began losing consciousness but clung to the biblical words of God to Moses (Ex. 3:12), "Certainly I will be with thee." With that assurance I roused myself to pray the first few lines of "the scientific statement of being" in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy (p. 468): "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." I was on my way to an important meeting that was part of my continuing spiritual growth and education. I declared that evil was unreal and had no power to keep me from the meeting. Soon I was able to return to my car, where I continued to pray and could read the Bible and Science and Health. My strength returned, and I continued my journey and was able to attend the meeting the next day in perfect health.

Other healings for which I'm grateful include a healing of what appeared to be pneumonia. The symptoms were similar to and more severe than a medically diagnosed case of a close relative. Prayer in Christian Science was responsible for my quick recovery from a severe reaction to a compulsory smallpox vaccination. These healings were both accomplished with the help of Christian Science practitioners.

A forest fire in California threatened our town and our home in the forest. I called a practitioner, as I was very fearful, seeing the flames and smoke just across the highway from us. She said, as I remember, "There is no matter to consume or to be consumed. God is All-in-all." That quieted my fear. The fire was eventually contained and put out, although it came to the edge of the town. The man in charge of the fire fighting said it was a miracle the town was saved. We later learned of others, including Christian Scientists, in the area who also were praying and were protected; and we heard from friends from other cities who knew of the need through the publicity on TV and in the newspapers and supported the fire-fighting effort with their prayers. Now when I hear of disasters of any kind anywhere, I immediately know God's power is present there, governing and controlling the situation. I have seen from experience that these prayers are effective.

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