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Don't repair; exchange!

From the March 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When someone turns to God for healing in Christian Science, instead of seeking to repair an ailing body he works mentally to exchange the thought of himself as a material body for his true identity as a child of God—the actual, always perfect, spiritual image of divine Spirit, God, which needs no healing. On what authority? On the authority of the revealed Word of the Bible.

The first chapter of Genesis tells how God made man as His good, spiritual likeness; the second chapter, the opposite of this, is an attempt to explain an enigma made of dust, which becomes evil, dissatisfied, and condemned. Clearly this latter concept of man is false, and Paul admonishes us to give it up for the true man. He urges "that [we] put off . . . the old man . . .; and that [we] put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." 1

Actually we're not putting off one man for another. God never made two opposing offspring—one in His likeness and an opposite, from dust. Could two such opposites be true and real? Gratefully, no! There is only man, who manifests and reflects God as His image. Anything else isn't man, despite physical claims or ignorant acceptance of them. Anything else is an impostor, a personal sense of man.

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