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From the March 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The call to teach in Sunday School is a call to put our spiritual understanding to excellent use. That's all it is. Are we able to answer yes to this call? Indeed we are. Each of us can learn to demonstrate all the power, penetration, and wisdom of divine Mind, man's real source. Each can trust God to provide guidance every step of the way.

Put another way, the intelligence manifested in an ability to teach spiritual truths has its source in God; it does not begin with us personally. Man reflects this intelligence, and through the understanding of this we can develop the talents we need in the performance of Sunday School teaching. Then if mortal sense is claiming, "But you never have taught anything before; you have never even been a Sunday School pupil yourself," what is the answer? Why, this, in Mrs. Eddy's words (Science and Health, pp. 518– 519): "Nothing is new to Spirit. Nothing can be novel to eternal Mind, the author of all things, who from all eternity knoweth His own ideas."

Lack of experience is only one of the arguments that may sometimes tempt us to refuse to become a teacher. But whatever these arguments may be, there is an answer to each of them in the Bible, Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy's other writings, and the publications of our movement.

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