My search for truth began long before I came in contact with Christian Science. I had for years asked Pilate's question: "What is truth?" 1 The great desire to find truth eventually led me to four baptisms in four different religions!
In the long run, I found myself plunging into the wilderness of darkness; instead of peace, freedom, and understanding, I found sorrow, fear, blind faith, and death. I seemed to be crucifying Christ afresh. I could not give up searching but prayed and fasted and called on God to reveal Himself to me, if truth really existed.
An answer eventually came. I caught my first glimpses of the reality of God's allness when reading the Christian Science Sentinel, The Christian Science Journal, and finally the great book of Life and Truth— Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. In this book I heard Mrs. Eddy saying: "To-day the cry of bygone ages is repeated, 'Crucify him!' At every advancing step, truth is still opposed with sword and spear." 2 I still asked the question, "Could this revelation of God's allness be true?" Very many answers came—in wonderful healing, understanding, and demonstration of the truths I learned by merely reading the periodicals and the book.