There is continuing need today for trustworthy defense—against slander, for example, criminal aggression, disease, superstition, occultism. Only absolute Truth provides an unfailing defense.
In the light of Truth, the common belief that dangerous forces surround us and may attack at any moment is clearly mistaken. True environment does not hold a single evil force that has to be staved off. We actually live in divine Spirit. In God's beneficent universe He is supreme, and there is no other universe. His presence preserves us from every form of evil. Indeed, His presence precludes the existence of evil, for evil cannot exist where God is. Man is His beloved child, exempt from accident, hazardous radiations, hereditary or congenital defects, the ravages of age.
These spiritual facts, to be sure, are contrary to appearances. One may well ask, Can total freedom from evil be true? Spiritual perception, imparted by God, divine Mind, shows that it is. Christian Science provides the means by which it is proved, step by step, in actual experience. It shows the Psalmist's view is true: "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. ... Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." 1