Christian Science proves the impossibility of God being man, or man being God, because it declares God's idea to be the expression of His nature. Yet the divine Mind, which creates and supports spiritual ideas, is distinct from the ideas themselves. When this unity, yet distinctness, of cause and effect is understood, God's power can be demonstrated with authority.
When God is accepted as the only source of health and well-being, one is lifted out of a sense of hopelessness and despair and ushered into the consciousness of health and freedom. God is what the Bible tells us He is: divine Spirit, Life, Truth, Love. These and other synonyms convey His nature as creator. God is not punitive, arbitrary, far-off, inaccessible; as Supreme Being He is the origin and governor of all true being.
Spiritual ideas are divine in origin and quality. Not something to be conjured up as positive thinking or as psychological means for bringing about material improvement in the world, spiritual ideas are actually the substance of all true individuality and consciousness. Because they are derived exclusively and absolutely from God, spiritual ideas express all that God is. Mrs. Eddy writes, "God, Spirit, Mind, are terms synonymous for the one God, whose reflection is creation, and man is His image and likeness." Miscellaneous Writings, p. 23;