Wouldn't we all like to have access to an infinite remedy for evil? An infinite remedy—measureless, limitless, endless! There could be no place where this remedy would not apply; no error could escape its encompassing, correcting power. Indeed an infinite remedy must actually be a preventive, disallowing the presentation or development of error, of sin and illness. Christ Jesus demonstrated that this perfect remedy is accessible to humanity, a fact confirmed by the teachings of Christian Science.
Mrs. Eddy writes, "Our Master understood that Life, Truth, Love are the triune Principle of all pure theology; also, that this divine trinity is one infinite remedy for the opposite triad, sickness, sin, and death." Miscellaneous Writings, p. 63; Life, Truth, and Love—these synonymous yet distinctive terms for God—when understood spiritually, remove the veil of mysticism and the cloak of scholasticism associated with the trinity in human thought. The development of this deeper sense of the trinity can be traced from the earliest Bible records.
As father of nations according to God's promise, Abraham presents a gleam of the divine fatherhood, which Christ Jesus glorified and which we know in Christian Science as divine Life, the source and substance of all true being.