The healing practice of Christian Science might be called restoration to oneness. For all our problems come from the belief of separation—our separation from God, infinite good! And their solution comes from the recognition of man as actually spiritual, the infinite, individualized idea of God, eternally embraced in and expressive of His love.
God and His creation, man and the universe, are one—one in being, yet distinct as cause and effect, Mind and idea. Deprived of or separated from even one facet of His expression, spiritual man and the spiritual universe, God would be deficient. God's allness is His oneness and universality; Spirit includes everything that really exists. Recognition of our own and our brother's unity with this infinitude as God's ideas and our consequent completeness is journey's end to the longing, wandering, searching sense of the human heart.
"Restoration to oneness" is, to be sure, an imperfect term. It stands for the awakening of human consciousness to this spiritual state of unity with God that has always existed—to this state of reflecting God's indivisible wholeness and perfection, of being everlastingly intact and never apart from the Being that is infinite Mind. What we think of as restoration to oneness is simply abandonment of belief in the mortal for the understanding of the divine. In this sense it is homecoming to the Father's house, reunion with reality, or heaven, submission to the divine consciousness, wherein all is recognized as spiritual and harmonious. Condemnation and guilt are lost in realization of man's innocence as God's own child, Spirit's flawless image. Here both the prodigal and stay-at-home find their God-created, spiritual identity and rejoice in the Father's blessing, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine."Luke 15:31;