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Crashing the self barrier

From the September 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Wham! What a noise! Another plane goes supersonic—or "crashes the sound barrier," to state it incorrectly.

Actually, there has never been a sound barrier. But inspired, determined physicists, pioneering plane makers, and intrepid pilots sure had a long, hard struggle with drag—with the sudden increase in aerodynamic drag that occurs as the speed of an aircraft accelerating toward supersonic speed reaches the speed of sound. They persevered with a study of the laws of aerodynamics, plane structure, engine power, and flying techniques until they literally thought their way into supersonic flight.

Actually, there's no self barrier, either. According to the Bible, your only real self is spiritual and at one with God as His image, or reflection (see Gen. 1:27). So you are not really self-centered; you're God-centered, the unfolding idea of universal divine Love. Being infinite, Love can't withhold itself; Love is always giving. Doesn't it follow, then, that you and I, Love's likeness as individual expressions, are by nature unselfish?

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