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Get rid of frustration

From the September 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It has been said that frustration is thwarted self-will. Such a statement bids one pause and consider. It invites deep insight into many difficulties in our lives. One might ask himself, "Just how do I get rid of my frustrations, my hangups?" The answer might be, "Give up your self-will." But how do I do that?

Consider some of the basic truths of Christian Science—that God is the only Mind, or intelligence, governing man, the only motive power. The will of God is the will of Love, of Truth, of Life. Man as the expression of God, the reflection of God, is the manifestation of God's will. This will is all-powerful, ever present, and all-encompassing. It's entirely good. Yielding the human will to the divine is essential.

What constitutes the resistance to this process? In belief there's a mortal will manifest as life and intelligence in matter. It's called self-will, or personal sense. It's part of the general belief that there's a mind apart from God, the divine Mind. But actually there is no selfhood in matter. There's no intelligence in matter. And the more clearly we recognize this fact, the more readily we'll yield the human to the divine. This is the way to realize the harmony, the health, the freedom, of the divine Mind manifesting itself in man.

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