Help for marital problems can be found in the Bible—spiritually understood in the light of Christian Science— and not only in verses that specifically mention marriage and divorce but also in the accumulated scriptural evidence of how spiritual power transforms our lives.
Sometimes the question seems to be, Is it better to stay married and be miserable or to get a divorce? Happily, these are not the only alternatives. Human reasoning frequently would have us decide between two choices we don't want—two wrongs—when all the time there is another choice. In the Bible, Elijah, who was tremendously aware of the power of God, presents a course that is always ours to take and that can transform events: "If the Lord be God, follow him." 1
If we choose God and let Him govern our lives, we are choosing to let divine Love be all power to us. We then can love more unselfishly and steadily. God is Truth. If Truth is all power to us, lies, broken commandments, and broken commitments are powerless to rule us. Soul, God, sees everything He has made as good because what He makes is the real substance of existence. Acknowledging Soul as the source of consciousness, we become vividly aware of the good God made. We can choose a life full of Love.