The world seeks plenty, but in most cases in the wrong direction—from matter and personality. As we understand the real nature of good, we see that it's not from anything material, in some far country or greener pasture. When spiritually discerned, good is ours right in our own desert, wilderness, block, or backyard.
John records that after Christ Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes for thousands of people in a desert place, certain of those who had eaten tried to make him a king (see John 6:5-15). But it was neither through anything supernatural nor through a king in the flesh that the supply came, but through spiritual understanding.
The Master possessed the understanding of man's spiritual identity. He did not hide it as a mystery. He demonstrated it, proved it. Knowing and proving our identity is the key to all true employment, usefulness, satisfaction, progress, and fulfillment. But to know one's perfect selfhood is no easy task.