The scientific understanding of multiplication as the manifestation of God's power is needed in defeating such false beliefs as overpopulation and abnormal cell increase.
Is the ancient belief that the universe and man are material approaching its end? In obedience to the law of God, infinite Spirit or divine Truth, this belief is self-destroying, and its eventual demise is obliquely indicated in forms of accelerated error, such as overpopulation and the apparent proliferation of certain kinds of terrorism, crime, violence. We are told of some diseases, too, in which cells in the body multiply at a rate that is harmful to other cells.
But are these the true phenomena of creation? Christian Science answers that they are not. This Science of being, which Christ Jesus fully demonstrated, proves the first chapter of Genesis, spiritually understood, to be the true, scientific record of creation. Alluding to the wholly spiritual nature of man as the idea of God, this record states, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it." 1 Mrs. Eddy's spiritual interpretation of the verse provides this insight: "Divine Love blesses its own ideas, and causes them to multiply,—to manifest His power." 2