Over fifty years ago, my mother enrolled me in the Sunday School of The Mother Church. At that time we had come to live in a home with a Christian Science practitioner. For eight years Mother had had chronic bronchitis that caused prolonged coughing. I recall hearing her during many nights. The practitioner also heard her. They discussed the problem, and Mother asked the practitioner to pray for her. The healing was accomplished in two weeks, and the coughing never recurred.
I was a regular attendant at the Sunday School, but one Sunday I was absent. My teacher called Mother, who told her I had a sore throat. My glands were swollen on both sides, so that I could not talk or eat. That kind woman came to see us. She sat by my bed and read from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. She also talked about God and my spiritual relationship to Him as His perfect child. I soon went to sleep and later that evening had dinner. In a day or two I returned to school completely healed.
There has been a lifetime of healing for me and our children, who were seldom absent from school. Whenever a so-called childhood disease appeared, it was challenged immediately and effectively with knowledge gained from the teachings of Christ Jesus as elucidated in the writings of Mrs. Eddy. We read in the first chapter of Genesis (v. 27), "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him." And Mrs. Eddy reminds us (Science and Health, p. 516): "God fashions all things, after His own likeness. Life is reflected in existence, Truth in truthfulness, God in goodness, which impart their own peace and permanence." These spiritual facts, understood and applied, bring healing.