In driving we often come across a traffic sign that contains a very special word: yield. Drivers approaching an intersection are instructed by such a sign to give way to the flow of traffic. This contributes to the general safety and progress of all.
Mrs. Eddy encourages us to let troubled material sense give way to the already-established harmony of spiritual sense. In this process the human yields to the divine, and this action makes apparent a harmonious coincidence.
The benefit to the "yielder" is a change of mental base from the limitations of the material misconception of being to the expansiveness of the actual harmony of God's kingdom. This harmony is already going on right here where we appear to be living in a matter-oriented world. Surrendering to Truth allows the perfection of God and the real man to outshine the lie of materiality. In this way an uplifted, enlightened consciousness is established. Freedom, healing, satisfaction, and success follow as natural consequences.