My recent childbearing experiences have helped me recognize that we are all equally God-created, spiritually originated, and eternally existent, and that understanding Christ and the Science of Christianity overcomes material limitations that deny this truth.
Because of complications during labor, the physician attending the birth of our first child performed a Caesarean section. My understanding of God's allness helped me through this difficult experience. Afterward, pain was eliminated through prayer alone, and my recovery was rapid. However, I had a nagging sense of disappointment and failure.
When I became pregnant the second time I looked forward to a normal delivery. I was beginning to see that God, the one governing intelligence of the universe, is incapable of establishing antagonistic minds within His own creation. All good motives come from the one universal supreme good, God, who knows no conflicting efforts or opinions. The realization of these facts healed my critical feelings and lingering resentment toward the presiding physician.