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Association day

From the April 1982 issue of The Christian Science Journal

She had participated in the business part of the annual meeting of the Christian Science Students Association to which she belonged, and had listened to the first hour of the speaker's address. During the lunch break, alone in the parking lot outside the church, she felt extremely ill. Had she flown clear across the continental United States to hear this inspired address only to be thwarted by physical illness?

The very class teaching that had provided the privilege of attending an annual association day could show her how to meet the resistance that would deprive her of that day's benefits. She prayed during the entire lunch hour, claiming the reward of fidelity and obedience. She knew she was about her Father's business and could only be blessed by this effort. By the time the afternoon meeting reconvened, she felt well enough to return to the auditorium.

As she took her seat, a sense of nausea was so strong she thought she would have to leave immediately. But turning on this suggestion with decisiveness, she silently addressed the lie with great vigor: "Mortal mind, you leave and be sick, if you want to; but I'm staying right here where I belong."

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