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Testimonies of Healing

"Filled Up Full." Besides being the title...

From the June 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Filled Up Full." Besides being the title of a children's book published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, it summarizes a big lesson my husband and I learned when we were aboard the DC10 plane that slid into Boston Harbor in January 1982. We always need to be "filled up full" with inspiration from God! The experience brought so many proofs of God's care and ever-present love, that we would like to share some of them. Also, my gratitude for the Bible Lessons found in the Christian Science Quarterly is boundless.

As we were flying from Los Angeles to Newark, I started to watch the movie being shown. But after a short time I stopped because I felt the movie wasn't uplifting or beneficial. So, even though I had studied the Bible Lesson for that week earlier in the day, I took out my copy of the Bible, and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy and joyfully studied the lesson again. All that week I had been inspired by the lesson and had seen through many false beliefs in pondering the wonderful truths I'd found in it.

It was a peaceful trip to Newark, where we changed planes for Boston. But later, as we landed in Boston, because of the icy runway the plane was unable to stop. We then went over an embankment and into the harbor, the plane breaking in two at the front bulkhead. My husband and I were seated in the seventh row from the front and as we looked up, after being thrown forward with the impact, we saw that the front of the plane was gone, and felt the spray of water and cold air. Immediately the inspiration from the lesson came to the rescue. So my greatest recollection now is that I felt no fear at that time—only the presence of God.

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