That unprecedented spiritual event when Christian Scientists around the world met simultaneously via satellite must have given everyone who was present reason for soul-searching thought and self-examination.
The inspiring moments in that conference when Christian Scientists, gathered around the globe, united in prayer silently and audibly, moved this writer deeply. It was like the Day of Pentecost when the disciples "were all with one accord in one place," 1 and for this gathering the focal point was appropriately the Original Edifice of The Mother Church. Could any attending the conference miss its significance as a clear bugle call to all Christian Scientists to awake to realize more fully their continuing need for spiritual advancement? It was a call to them to keep spiritually current with the times so as to bring to fruition the prediction of their Leader, Mrs. Eddy, that widely practiced spiritual healing would take place in this century. The meeting provided, and even now provides, the occasion for prayerful mental inventory— for noting whatever needs discarding from one's mental storehouse as an impediment to a more advanced understanding of Christian Science.
In the chapter "Prayer" in Science and Health Mrs. Eddy points the way to an advanced understanding of Christian Science. She says: "Trustworthiness is the foundation of enlightened faith. Without a fitness for holiness, we cannot receive holiness.