When I found Christian Science, I was a student of music at a university near a branch church. I auditioned for a soloist position there and was accepted. Up till that time I had known nothing of this religion except the name. As it turned out, my vocal teacher and repertoire coach were both Christian Scientists. They very kindly recommended suitable solos for me to learn. However, more than just learning solos, I sincerely wanted my contribution to these Christian Science services to harmonize with the spiritual meaning of each Bible Lesson as outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly. I knew I needed to understand the spiritual message being delivered.
At church, during the announcements from the desk, an invitation was extended to visit the Christian Science Reading Room and study the weekly Bible Lesson. I undertook this study at the Reading Room, and it helped me in choosing appropriate music for the Sunday services. This study also helped me in many different avenues of daily experience. I awoke to my relationship to God as His beloved child. Old ways were left behind as I became aware of my true spiritual selfhood. Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, made this promise recorded in the book of John (8:12): "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
Being a soloist was a very fulfilling avenue for expressing my gratitude to God for His infinite mercy. But within a few years I wanted to enter into new and different avenues of service. I needed growth in other areas of life as well as music. Membership in the branch church where I served as soloist taught me to love to work for God, no matter what the task. Soon I was able to join The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, and to take class instruction from a qualified teacher of Christian Science. All these experiences were leading me to a better understanding of my reason for existing—to express God. During this period many healings were accomplished as the demand for wholehearted trust in God increased.