Before the turn of the century, Christian Science healed my great-grandfather of a longstanding breathing difficulty that medical treatment had failed to relieve. This healing brought Christian Science to our family a hundred years ago and as a result has blessed many lives with a deeper understanding of God and His precious care for His beloved children.
Spirit's allness, power, and presence are often not comprehended until proved through healing. And so it was for me. I attended a Christian Science Sunday School as a child but often wondered if what I was learning was really true, for it was so contrary to what my friends thought and did.
When I was eleven years old, three embarrassing warts appeared on my hands. I wanted them removed—quickly. I asked my mother to take me to a physician to have them surgically removed, and she granted my request. Within two months, however, they grew back twice as large. I distinctly remember thinking to myself, "OK. If what I've been learning in Sunday School is really true, if God is all power, then certainly prayer can remove these warts, which obviously don't belong to God or me." That was the sum and substance of my prayer. One day I joyfully realized that all the warts had disappeared from my hands. They never reappeared. This healing was a landmark for me, establishing my love for God and providing visible, concrete proof for me of the truth and spiritual power expressed in the teachings of Christian Science.