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Testimonies of Healing

In 1969, before I had become a Christian Scientist...

From the July 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In 1969, before I had become a Christian Scientist, I injured my foot moving furniture. I lost the nail on the big toe, and the nail that grew in its place was deformed and half the size of the original. Over the years I had trouble intermittently with the nail; it grew incorrectly and would cause pain and inflammation. Buying shoes to fit was difficult, too.

A number of years later, after I had been a Christian Scientist for some time, I went on holiday. By the second day I was having trouble with my toenail. A friend who is a Christian Scientist suggested I pray about lawlessness.

While I didn't fully understand this counsel at first, I turned to God in prayer for a clearer understanding of His law. I realized that a belief of accident, injury, and subsequent deformity was an "outlaw" because it did not come within the jurisdiction of God's law. I knew that man is actually the spiritual idea of God, reflecting pure spiritual perfection, maintained and sustained by spiritual law. A false belief could have no power to hurt or harm man, who is governed by God, divine Love. I saw clearly that this was the eternal truth of me, and I felt at peace.

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