As we draw to the close of the twentieth century, perhaps more of the world's peoples than ever before are familiar with and deeply concerned about the subject of economics and its many ramifications. This interest may range from the sale of meager crops in a developing country where many are living at subsistence level to a multibillion-dollar company with its far-reaching impact. For many, the interest and concern is heightened by virtually instant communication and the great emphasis placed by news media on matters relating to what is globally referred to as "business."
Today more and more people are aware of the fluctuations in the prices of commodities, of exchange rates, profits, losses, balance of payments, and deficits. Attention is often focused on the need to accumulate material assets with little reference to spiritual values. Acquisition of material resources is widely accepted as a yardstick of success. It's not difficult to see how fear, dismay, and even hopelessness can creep in as individuals and societies see themselves as victims of circumstances—fearful that they may fall into poverty.
Yet Christ Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."1 Does it really make practical sense to pursue God's kingdom, to seek an ever-growing understanding of God's presence, power, and allness? Jesus' whole life gave the answer "yes." It is the abundance of spiritual ideas that meets our every need, and the application of spiritual ideas to the human scene constitutes "business." Purifying our motives