When Mrs. Eddy founded The Christian Science Monitor, she said that its purpose was "to spread undivided the Science that operates unspent." As the Monitor fulfills this purpose it will accomplish its objective "to injure no man, but to bless all mankind" The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 353.—as well as the Christian Science movement. Obediently following these profound spiritual guidelines given by Mrs. Eddy, the Monitor makes its spiritual influence felt throughout the world.
What is the "Science" that, we're told, "operates unspent" and that is also the spiritual motivation of the Monitor?
This Science is the truth of being as explained and practiced in Christian Science. It is the revelation that God, divine Mind, is infinite good, and that this Mind is reflected in the true identity of each one of us. When the spiritual relationship that we have to God, as His idea, is understood and demonstrated sufficiently, solutions to human difficulties appear that better represent the design of divine Principle.